
<p>This paper is an introduction to recent work on practical (means-end, goal-directed) reasoning in artificial intelligence. By using an example of community deliberation concerning whether to change to a no-fault system of insurance, it is explained how practical reasoning is used in public deliberation. It is shown how argument mapping and argumentation schemes are useful tools for modeling the structure of the argumentation in such cases. The distinction between instrumental practical reasoning and value-based practical reasoning is modeled using argumentation schemes.</p>


  • This paper is an introduction to recent work on practical reasoning in artificial intelligence

  • In the second section it is shown that the entity that carries out practical reasoning can be defined as an intelligent autonomous agent where the term “intelligent” means that such an agent reasons from its goals, and from what it takes to be the means required to attain these goals, and on the basis of the factual circumstances of its given situation

  • This paper has explained the distinction between instrumental practical reasoning and value-based practical reasoning and has shown how practical reasoning has its own distinctive argumentation schemes

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Heuristic Practical Reasoning

The following scheme is a heuristic form of what is called practical reasoning in the philosophy literature and goal-based reasoning in computer science. The heuristic form of practical reasoning can be represented by the argumentation scheme below, with its two premises and single conclusion An IAA is an entity that has the capability of forming goals and the capability of carrying out actions that it thinks might realize one or more of its goals. An agent in this sense can be machine or a human (or an animal). Means Premise: Carrying out this action A is a means to realize G

Characteristics of an Intelligent Autonomous Agent
Different Approaches to Modeling Practical Reasoning
An Example of Political Deliberation
Value-Based Practical Reasoning
Related Schemes
Instrumental and Value-Based Practical Reasoning
Other Resources from AI
Practical Reasoning in Persuasion Dialogue and Deliberation
10. Conclusions
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