
In this study, the concept of symmetry is employed to implement an intelligent fuzzy traffic signal control system for complex intersections. This approach suggests that the implementation of reduced fuzzy rules through the reduction method, without compromising the performance of the original fuzzy rule base, constitutes a symmetrical approach. In recent decades, urban and city traffic congestion has become a significant issue because of the time lost as a result of heavy traffic, which negatively affects economic productivity and efficiency and leads to energy loss, and also because of the heavy environmental pollution effect. In addition, traffic congestion prevents an immediate response by the ambulance, police, and fire brigades to urgent events. To mitigate these problems, a three-stage intelligent and flexible fuzzy traffic control system for complex intersections, using a novel hybrid reduction approach was proposed. The three-stage fuzzy traffic control system performs four primary functions. The first stage prioritizes emergency car(s) and identifies the degree of urgency of the traffic conditions in the red-light phase. The second stage guarantees a fair distribution of green-light durations even for periods of extremely unbalanced traffic with long vehicle queues in certain directions and, especially, when heavy traffic is loaded for an extended period in one direction and the short vehicle queues in the conflicting directions require passing in a reasonable time. The third stage adjusts the green-light time to the traffic conditions, to the appearance of one or more emergency car(s), and to the overall waiting times of the other vehicles by using a fuzzy inference engine. The original complete fuzzy rule base set up by listing all possible input combinations was reduced using a novel hybrid reduction algorithm for fuzzy rule bases, which resulted in a significant reduction of the original base, namely, by 72.1%. The proposed novel approach, including the model and the hybrid reduction algorithm, were implemented and simulated using Python 3.9 and SUMO (version 1.14.1). Subsequently, the obtained fuzzy rule system was compared in terms of running time and efficiency with a traffic control system using the original fuzzy rules. The results showed that the reduced fuzzy rule base had better results in terms of the average waiting time, calculated fuel consumption, and CO2 emission. Furthermore, the fuzzy traffic control system with reduced fuzzy rules performed better as it required less execution time and thus lower computational costs. Summarizing the above results, it may be stated that this new approach to intersection traffic light control is a practical solution for managing complex traffic conditions at lower computational costs.

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