
Safety first, prevention first. The constant innovation of energy and the update of electronic products have brought convenience to people’s life. But at the same time, these high-tech products have also laid a fire hazard. There are countless fires caused by various reasons in China every year, so the public should not only have good safety awareness, but also take some precautions and warning measures. In order to timely remind people around to do safety protection, it is necessary to timely find the fire and send alarm signals. This paper chooses 51 series single chip microcomputer STC89C52 as the processing center. The detection method combines several detection methods including temperature, smoke concentration and flame, which can avoid single false alarming and omission. Therefore, DS18B20 temperature sensor, MQ-2 smoke sensor, flame (infrared receiving) sensor are selected as part of information detection, as well as analog to digital conversion, setting, displaying and other parts to design an intelligent fire alarm system. Proteus software is used for hardware circuit design and Keil software for program programming and two kinds of software are combined for compilation and simulation. Through the above research, the alarm designed in this paper can continuously collect flame, temperature, smoke concentration and other information from the environment, comparing and judging whether the set value is exceeded and send sound and light alarm in time if it is exceeded.

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