
Automatic Machine Learning (Auto-ML) tools enable the automatic solution of real-world problems through machine learning techniques. These tools tend to be more time consuming than standard machine learning libraries, therefore, exploiting all the available resources to the full is a valuable feature. This paper presents a two-phase optimization system for solving classification problems. The system is designed to produce more robust classifiers by exploiting the different architectures that are generated while solving classification problems with Auto-ML tools, particularly AutoGOAL. In the first phase, the system follows a probabilistic strategy to find the best combination of algorithms and hyperparameters to generate a collection of base models according to certain diversity criteria; and in the second, it follows similar Auto-ML strategies to ensemble those models. The HAHA 2019 challenge corpus and the Adult dataset were used to evaluate the system. The experimental results show that: i) a better solution can be built by ensembling a subset of the already tested models; ii) the performance of ensemble methods depends on the collection of base models used; and, iii) ensuring diversity using the double-fault measure produces better results than the disagreement measure. The source code is available online for the research community.

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