
As the population of the world is increasing day by day so the chances of the number of diseases/infection arealso increasing.Hence it implies the need of an automated solution through which the relevant patient data could find out the disease and also result in the curation suggestion.It is difficult to know all the possible diseases from same data of patient at the same time and same location. For each and every probability of the disease coming out of it doctors/experts need to communicate with each other globally. The need o the hour is an automated global consulation plus disease detector and curation system solution by which doctors couldconsultthe other doctorssituated at other region and hence could be able to find out the common trending problems and their solutions. For Example some problem in Brazil & same status is happening in India, so the doctor in India would come to know about it. Eventually, the doctor in India canconsent to the doctor in Brazil then able to clear out the infection history and its accurate treatment. So our proposed solution would help doctors to find out the more accurate curation for the unknown / unidentified infection. Specially the new diseases which come in existence day by day. The paper presents the above mentioned proposed model which represents an automated system that could self learn by saving each new entry of previously unknown disease/ infection in the database and could identify the existing ones with the help of fuzzy logic and inference rules. So this could be the very fast and efficient way of following the diseases globally and accurately on the single ground. The proposed approach will work with the structured data using fuzzy logic with fuzzy inference rules. The simulation for the proposed system is done using the Android tool.

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