
Intelligence on three levels as core requirement for the pastorIn this article the requirement that a pastor should act and behave in an intellectually, emotionally and socially intelligent way is focused on. At the outset of the article intellectual intelligence is discussed metatheoretically. The functioning of the brain, especially of the neocortex, the sub-cortex and the amygdala is outlined as far as intellectual intelligence is concerned. Basistheoretically relevant requirements for being intellectually intelligent are then investigated, in particular relevant requirements for the sound equipment of the pastor as stated in the pastoral epistles. In this respect the following aspects are scrutinised: the requirement that the pastor should have the competence to instruct the congregation from God’s Word, and the requirement that the pastor should have the ability to equip his congregation in an intellectually sound way. In the ensuing part of the article metatheoretical viewpoints on emotional intelligence are outlined. Aspects like the following are indicated and mentioned as these should form part of the pastor’s equipment: the value of a sound self-awareness, a clear perspective on own competencies, a founded self-confidence, self-control, the ability to minister with certain aims in mind, to handle own emotional wounds, and in the last instance, the requirement of insight and how to cope with own emotions. The requirement that the pastor should exercise self-control and the conviction of being called by and cared for by his Sender, God, are included as basistheoretical material. As far as social intelligence is concerned, the following elements are taken into consideration on metatheoretical level: the ability to have an understanding for the situation of someone else and the competence to tune into the feelings of another person. Aspects of the requirement to create relationships, and issues of empathy are investigated and described basis-theoretically. In conclusion practice-theoretical guidelines are formulated for a possible implementation of intellectual, emotional and social intelligence in the ministry of a servant of God.


  • Intelligensie op drie vlakke as ’n kernvereiste vir die bedienaar feelings of another person

  • Ten slotte is praktykteoretiese riglyne gebied vir die moontlike implementering van verstandelike, emosionele en sosiale intelligensie in die werk en toerusting van ’n dienskneg van God

  • Ook die moontlike verwonding van die bedienaar in die bedieningsituasie word nader betrek in navorsing (Notle & Dreyer, 2009)

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In wetenskaplike ondersoeke in die jongste tyd in die veld van die Praktiese Teologie is dit opvallend dat daar nie net ’n gerigtheid is op die optrede van die bedienaar in byvoorbeeld herderlike sorg, prediking en jeugsorg nie, maar ook op die persoon van die bedienaar wat handel en optree. Daar gaan ook stemme op dat hierdie vereistes in die opleiding van predikante verdere aandag moet ontvang. In hierdie verband kan gedink word aan die tersaaklike gegewens oor die handelswyse van die bedienaar soos dit in die pastorale briewe na vore kom Dit is juis by die vereistes van kennis en insig, vaardigheid en oriëntasie of ingesteldheid van die pastor waarby hierdie artikel aansluit met ’n poging om dit byeen te bring, te integreer en verder uit te bou. Nie net in die Skrif word perspektiewe oor bogenoemde aspekte van kennis, vaardigheid, ingesteldheid en gesindheid gebied nie, maar ook in wetenskappe wat aan vakke in die Praktiese Teologie grens, soos byvoorbeeld Pastorale Teologie. Binne die sentrale navorsingsvraag sal aandag gewy word aan die volgende sake: Watter verbandhoudende metateoretiese perspektiewe kan nadere lig werp op die kennis, vaardighede, oriëntering of ingesteldheid van die pastor? Binne die sentrale navorsingsvraag sal aandag gewy word aan die volgende sake: Watter verbandhoudende metateoretiese perspektiewe kan nadere lig werp op die kennis, vaardighede, oriëntering of ingesteldheid van die pastor? Watter bydraes kan basisteoretiese perspektiewe lewer op verstandelike, emosionele en sosiale intelligensie? Watter praktykteoretiese perspektiewe kom uit hierdie besinning na vore?

Metateoretiese perspektiewe
Metateoretiese perspektiewe op verstandelike intelligensie
Basisteoretiese perspektiewe op verstandelike intelligensie
Bekwaam om te leer
Verstandig wees
Die vaardigheid om emosioneel intelligent op te tree
Die vernaamste tipe emosies wat mense ervaar
Bedienaar en selfbeheersing
Bedienaar en geborgenheid
Dimensies van sosiale intelligensie
Sosiale vaardighede
Bedienaar en empatie
Gawes en die ontginning van gawes
Toerusting deur die bedienaar self
Toerusting van bedienaars deur opleidingsinstansies
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