
The copyright law determines that the state holds a copyright owner regarding traditional cultural expressions. What if a cultural expression undergoes renewal and creates a new dance with a traditional theme. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of the legal protection of intellectual property rights as well as constraints in determining the legal owner of the copyright of the creation of new dance choreographies in Lampung. The socio-legal approach whereby the research method, focuses on seeing the law through a combination of normative analysis (juridical legal norms) and non-legal science approaches. The data used are primary data and secondary data using qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicate that legal protection of Intellectual Property Rights based on the Copyright Law of 2014 is necessary provided to prevent an infringement of a copyrighted work, especially new creative dance creations, preventive actions that can be taken to protect dance creations. A new creation is by recording the work regulated in Articles 66-67 of the Copyright Law. This legal protection is given to find a solution in defending the rights of the work's creator. The obstacle needs to be understand property to again more understanding of the importance of copyright registration, the registration procedure and process, which are still considered complicated, and the registration fee, which is still deemed burdensome to artists.

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