
Introduction. Information and intellectual property are becoming increasingly important not only in Russia but all round the world. They form the basis of information resources in information and telecommunication networks, which are actively used in modern society. The concept of information has several meanings. The confusion of its technical and legal meanings can lead to legal ambiguity, which will complicate the protection of rights in connection with the introduction of objects into civil circulation, and their use in the digital environment, including in court. Theoretical Basis. Methods. The article provides a comparative analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on information and intellectual property in its historical context in order to identify common problems and identify trends in further development. Results. Information from a technical point of view is the data which forms any digital object (its form), including an information resource or information system. Such an object is able to exist only in a digital environment, and its use is possible only with the help of technical means. Information also has a legal meaning. In this sense, it constitutes the content of the result of intellectual activity, for example, a piece of work. Discussion and Conclusion. Currently, there are new technologies, objects, for example, digital rights, utilitarian digital rights, and legal relationships concerning their use, requiring changes in legal regulation. It is important to avoid confusion between different concepts of information in order to facilitate the subsequent proper and effective enforcement of the introduced legal norms in the development of new legislation.

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