
The given work contains theoretical aspects of intangible assets value formation for enterprises in institutional economics. In the age of market economy the device of enhancing an enterprise performance implies two trends: investment activities in a conventional field and investment operations in innovation sector. Both trends mean the arrangements for formation of tangible/intangible assets value what brings to efficiency factors development: minimizing cost of production of work and services, enterprise profit and money flows maximization, capitalization of earnings and maximizing enterprise market value. As an example the enterprises of the Tatarstan Republic chemicals sector were held up. The given enterprises implement integration within the framework of upstream integration but in two aspects: natural (process plant integration) and within the context of transaction expenses saving. In contexts of international economics globalization new financing sources in financial and operating activities of enterprises become increasingly important under restrictions of production factors scarcity. As far as we know, labor theory of value emphasizes three factors of production: land, labour, capital. Against the background of institutional economics transformation of the first factor and detachment into the additional category such factor as «human capital assets» is taking place. Initially it was mentioned in Adam Smith's book «The Wealth of Nations» where human capital asset is thought of as the generalized characteristic for quality and quantity of the human's labour ability being key revenue source and labor productivity growth promoting factor. Nowadays «the notion of «human capital asset» is understood as the body of knowledge, skills, abilities (including creativity and mental ability), human incentives for productive labour acquired due to education, training or based on practical experience and being of great economic value promoting growth in prosperity of certain economic entity and national wealth as well.

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