
When expressing streptavidin recombinant polypeptide on magnetosomes (called bacterial magnetic nanoparticles, or BMPs), the presence of endogenous bacterial biotin might be detrimental. In the study, the streptavidin monomer fragment (S1-116) was fused with the intein N-terminal (termed precursor S1-116-IN), and S1-116-IN was expressed in E. coli (BL21). Meanwhile, the SA117-160 fragment was fused with the C-terminal intein, and then this chimeric polypeptide was expressed on magnetosomes by fusion with magnetosome membrance protein MamF. In the in vitro protein splicing system, the purified engineered magnetosomes (BMP-SA117-160-IC) and the S1-116-IN precursor were mixed. Intein-mediated trans-splicing reaction was induced to produce the functional magnetic beads BMP-SA. Our results indicate that intein-mediated protein trans-splicing may lead to efficient synthesis of the recombinant streptavidin on the magnetosomes, showing its promising potential to produce other functional magnetic nanoparticles.

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