
The genome of hepatitis B virus (HBV) encodes two transcriptional activators: the HBx protein and the PreS2-activator large surface protein (LHBs). Both proteins trigger activation of c-Raf-1/MEK kinase cascade. In case of HBx this can be mediated by a PKC-independent and Ras-dependent mechanism, in case of LHBs activation is PKC-dependent and does not require Ras. Selective destruction of either LHBs- or of HBx-specific activation does not result in significant decrease of viral production from transfected HepG2 cells. Simultaneous inhibition of LHBs- and HBx-dependent activation by blocking signaling steps common to both activators, using trans dominant negative c-Raf-1- or MEK-specific inhibitors, abolished HBV gene expression. In accordance with this no HBV propagation was observed after transfection of a mutated HBV genome defective for HBx- and PreS2-activator function. A detailed analysis revealed that the observed inhibition of HBV- propagation is because of a significant reduction of HBV-specific RNA resulting in an inhibition of the de novo synthesis of viral compounds (viral proteins and nucleic acid) and not by blocking secretion or assembly of the virus. Based on these results we conclude that transcriptional-activator function, mediated by the c-Raf-1/MEK signaling cascade, is essential for HBV gene expression.

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