
Abstract Any lapses in design or operating practices predominately in the form of departure from the design intent or standard operating procedures have the potential to lead to undesirable events. The resulting design or operating deficiencies once recognized are usually mitigated by add-on safety features, robust practices, effective training and efficient emergency plans; orelse passively by incident investigations. All of which fall under an Integrity Management System. Effective Integrity Management Systems are assessed through performance indicators that measure accountability and ownership and the mitigating measures effectiveness (individual programs and the management system key elements as a whole). However, even with an effective management system there will always be a dependency on intermediaries and a degree of subjectivity in assessment; therefore there is no replacement for intrinsic safety features and a competent operating workforce. KOC has recognized that integrity management like HSE is not limited to just mechanical integrity but involves management of hazards, process safety, competency and accountability. To fully address this issue KOC reviewed current industry practices in integrity management and identified the key elements that, if implemented efficiently, will tackle the IM issues within KOC. An IM standard defining Integrity Management and comprising eleven elements has been developed and is in the process of being implemented. The IM elements address risk assessment, hazards evaluation, development of risk management plans, implementation of the risk management plans and capturing lessons learnt to continuously improve. Delivery of the IM initiatives will take time but like HSE, IM is a continuous journey for the life of the company and the outcome will be rewarding both in increased production, safe operation and committed competent workforce.

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