
Nowadays, in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, it is necessary to find the position of women population in designing and realization of recent cyber-physical systems (CPS). These complex systems contain physical and mechanical elements which are automatically driven and controlled by computers. One of the most important project in CPS which would be realized in a short time is the autonomous self-driving car. Investigation done in the world show that the most of women are not informed about this project and only a few of them are the part of project teams. In this paper the result of interview of women population in Serbia on self-driving car is considered. It is obtained that most of women are not included in such project, and is not ready to accept it. Explanation is that in the project the specificity due to difference between poles is not inbult in the project. It is mostly seen in the algorithms for making decisions of self-driving car with artificial intelligence. Female have the opinion that they have to be incorporated in such multidisciplinary projects which are of importance for the whole world population. The aim of the paper is to show that the inclusion of women in the future CPS projects is necessary as a fundamental aspect of acceptance CPS in everyday life.


  • (ABV je autonomno vozilo koje je bez vozača

  • Postoji i strah od nedovoljne bezbednosti posebno sajber-bezbednosti, ali i narušavanje privatnosti i zadovoljstvo od šofiranja

  • Hvala Vam što ste popunili ovaj Anketni list o ABV

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Ovaj nedostatak prevazišao model za odlučivanje je koncipiran kao triparitetan [20] sa kongnitivnim, afektivnim komponentama i komponentama ponašanja. Kognitivna komponente definišu objekt na osnovu posmatranja ali i uz ugradnju subjektivnog mišljenja i verovanje posmatrača. Afektivne komponente opisuju osećanja koja su vezana za objekt. Komponente ponašanja uključuju tendenciju ponašanja kao i verbalne činjenice. To dovodi do gradacije odgovora, na primer, od veoma sličan, manje sličan, manje različit, potpuno različit. Anketni list sastavljen za ovu priliku dat je u Dodatku rada. Na početku Anketnog lista dat je kratak opis ABV. Nakon toga pitanja su grupisana u dva dela: Personalna pitanja i Pitanja u vezi ABV. Personalna pitanja se odnose na starost, nivo i vrstu obrazovanja, mesto stanovanja.

Da li ste ikada čuli o ABV pre učešća u ovoj anketi?
Šta mislite o smanjenju utroška goriva za automobile?
10. Da li biste bili zabrinuti tokom vožnje sa ABV?
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