
Supervision models offer a synthesis of theoretical and practical elements demanded by an efficient clinical supervision. They are classified into first and second generation supervision models. The first generation supervision models follow the development path of psychological counselling and psychotherapy, being focused on therapy, the supervisee’s development, on specifying the supervisee’s needs and the roles assumed by the supervisor. The second generation supervision models are integrative supervision models, with the emphasis on the role of common crosstheoretical factors. The integrative strategic supervision model [1], [2], [3] is a second generation supervision model, with the objective, other than the underlining of crosstheoretical common factors of supervision, with a top spot offered to the learning process, that of introducing the constructivist approach of learning, the construction of supervision as an interdisciplinary discipline and the relating of supervision to didactics through supervision projecting. The word “strategic”, from the model title, emphasizes the bases for the supervision process: the supervision framework, the learning methods used, the evaluation methods based on the supervisee’s individual factors, the tools used to supervise and materialized into: contracts, therapeutic statuses, supervision sheets, relational diagnosis sheet, etc.

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