
The canidae are a family of the Mammalia class represented by two extinct subfamilies called Hesperocyoninae and Borophaginae. Also by the still existing subfamily called Caninae which includes all living canids (dogs, wolves, jackals, coyotes and foxes). Divided into 14 genus and 34 species distributed on all continents. They have carnivorous and omnivorous feeding, being pack animals or essentially solitary animals meeting only during the breeding season where many species develop parental care for their offspring. Among these species the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) stands out. Being the largest South American canid an omnivorous, generalist and opportunistic species whose diet varies seasonally consuming a great diversity of fruits and small vertebrates. They are widely distributed in the areas of fields and savannahs in the central region of South America. However it is noted that there was a considerable decrease in the original portion of their habitat in addition to the illegal hunting to use the animals' fur being run over on roads and diseases are the most frequent causes that do not contribute to the conservation of this species. Therefore the species is listed in Appendix II of CITES and is considered Vulnerable (VU). As Chrysocyon brachyurus represents one of the main predators of its biome playing a fundamental role for its balance. Its preservation is essential and further studies are needed for better understanding and formation of strategies that contribute to its conservation.

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