
INTRODUCTION:Culture that developed in Acehnese society is rooted in the teachings of Islam embraced by the whole population of Aceh. First Islamic values were practiced and became customary tradition in the community, which is passed down from generation to generation through education in the family, in places recitation and Islamic boarding schools, and in society, in order to educate the Muslim personal morality. However, because of the influence of modernization, it now has been a shift in community values. These values are no longer living in the community and is not an important part in educational activities (Sulaiman, D 2005, dan Cut Morina, 2013). Disclosure of Aceh today, lead the people of Aceh suffered exposure to a variety of foreign cultures. Meanwhile, the condition of the natural environment in Aceh after the earthquake and tsunami, is very worrying and diamcam with disease outbreaks. Clean water sources used by the people already polluted sulfur and arsenic from the earthquake and tsunami that. The need for clean water with good quality into something that is expensive for the people of Aceh at the time because of all the water sources become severely damaged. Although in most areas people can still rely on well water, but the distribution of water to people's homes is not smooth due to limited transportation.In the implementation of Islamic law as well as in effort to stabilize and develop the Islamic education system being developed in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), the Islamic culture and tradition should be revived in Aceh. For that, the government has compiled Qanun NAD Education in the province which confirms that the NAD Provincial Education is education which is based on Al -Quran and al-Hadith, the state philosophy of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and the culture in Aceh.Responding Qanun Education in the province of Nanggroe Aceh above, issued policies in education, one of which policies on curriculum development relevant to active learning, creative, effective, and fun and tailored to local needs, particularly in relation to the implementation of Islamic law. According to Cut Morina (2014) explains that one of the most important aspects of the implementation of the Aceh specialty bersendikan Islamic law is the education system that is capable of supporting the ideals gave birth to the human resources of superior quality and competitive in both quality of faith and piety as well as the quality of science and technology. However, Rusdi Sufi (2010) and Ibrahim (2015) explains that the Islamic atmosphere in the implementation of the education system in Aceh has not revealed a strong impression so it is not seen a significant difference between before and after the application of Islamic law. Many things seem not to support the structuring of the system, among other teaching materials are not well ordered and competency -based curriculum Aceh unfinished version (McNeil, J.D. 2000).Along with that, the character of curricula (Curriculum 13) stressed that one of the principles is the actual syllabus development and contextual. In addition, the learning is done emphasis on the characteristics, needs, and serving area. Learning is one of them is learning refers to the integrative curriculum, which is a curriculum that was developed to support the implementation of the curriculum of character and is in accordance with the interests of students. Integrative Curriculum implementation is done through the development and implementation of learning that integrates the values of water management and sanitation, local knowledge and cultural diversity Aceh (Ibrahim, 2014 and Bloom, B.S. & Eddy, M. 1981).The main target of this research is to implement the thematic curriculum integrative learning in primary schools is a learning activity can be done as follows.(a) Developing an integrative curriculum on science for science teaching and learning process with a scientific teaching materials and technology will. …

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