
Relevance. The formation of human resources, reduction of unemployment, employment of graduates of professional institutions are priority tasks of both the Russian Federation and foreign countries. Human resource potential plays one of the main roles in ensuring the welfare and economic growth of the state. A direct participant in the process of "creating" a promising specialist is a professional educational institution, where the modern educational trajectory provides for the formation of competitive personalities. Given the rapid growth rates of the economy in different regions, the real business sector needs qualified personnel, where the modern foreign labor market imposes its own requirements for skills and competencies, taking this into account, universities use tools for the effective participation of graduates in competitive market relations. The purpose is to consider foreign models of promoting the employment of graduates, to study the tools of integration of universities and enterprises in the field of employment. Objectives: to analyze the means and methods implemented by foreign countries in the process of integrating the labor market and the institute of education. To formulate the main aspects of the implementation of foreign models to promote the employment of graduates. Methodology. In this work, the following research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization and logical methods of information processing. Results. The main aspects of the implementation of foreign models of facilitating the employment of graduates are formulated, an analysis of the means and methods implemented by foreign states in the process of integrating the labor market and the institution of education is carried out. In addition, methods are proposed to improve planning and coordination of actions related to labor potential in the youth labor market. Conclusions. In the framework of cooperation between universities and enterprises in the field of employment of graduates in a number of foreign countries, an insufficient number of means and methods are used. For more effective interaction between the parties, a set of measures has been presented that will help improve the situation on the youth labor market.

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