
Thermal infra-red bands of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Radiometer (ASTER) have been used to investigate rocks, including white quartz veins, of Jabal Al Hasir area of the Asir Terrane, southwestern part of the Arabian Shield. The obtained data were processed using radiometric and geometric corrections. The processed data were then enhanced into false color images by Thermal Infra Red band ratioing. These composite images clearly differentiate between the light color felsic granite rocks and the dark color mafic gabbroic rocks. These images also differentiate quartz veins from wadi deposits, although, both of them appear very similar in light color and light grayscale tone. Results of the band ratioing have also been compared with the geological map of the study area, and were found in agreement. Keeping in view the obtained resolution, the band ratioing images have been found more informative and useful than the regular color composite images. Based on these observations, it can be claimed that the ASTER sensor is more powerful in terms of geological applications. Due to its success in the study area, the use of this sensor could also be extended to other complicated areas in the Arabian Shield and beyond.

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