
Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic belt is the host of large porphyry copper deposits in Iran. Khatun Abad area is located in north west part of this belt, so in this study, the stream sediment geochemical survey and hydrothermal alteration zones extracted from ASTER data were used to generation new target for future lithogeochemical survey. In this study after a brief discussion on descriptive statistics, principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to compress the information to a few maps and to assist in determining multi-element associations. Then C-A fractal method was used for map classification. In order to extraction hydrothermal zones ASTER data were used. ASTER SWIR bands are most useful for the identification of alteration minerals such as Alunite, Pyrophylite, Kaolinite, Sericute and Carbonates. In this paper based on spectral analysis of ASTER SWIR data six maps of alteration zones were prepared. Geochemical study and spectral analysis of ASTER data showed that mineralization and alteration are limited to E1lb and gr lithological units and have NW-SE trends from east of Khatun Abad to Ghezeljeh-Gheshlaghi.

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