
The current study adopts a spatial multidisciplinary approach for applying allocation models in zoning new urban sustainable communities in El-Fayoum Desert. Landsat 8 OLI imageries acquired in 2016, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data, and thematic maps were utilized. Three spatial multicriteria sub-models were designed to create three criteria themes, namely, land resources, infrastructure, and environmental protection. The analytical hierarchy process and fuzzy sets were used for infrastructure and resources themes. The infrastructure theme was combined using weighted linear combination (WLC). The ordered weighted averaging (OWA) low-risk “AND” was used to combine the resources theme. The environmental protection theme was combined using the Boolean overlay model. The three themes (sub-models) were finally combined using equal weights to produce suitability index maps. OWA model was run on the combined (index) to test the different level of risk and trade-off between the factors. Results reveal that OWA model with minimum risk (AND) resulted in most optimum zones with total area equivalent to 58.33 km2. The WLC model (OWA medium risk) resulted in optimum zones of total area equivalent to 102.77 km2. The OWA maximum risk (OR) resulted in optimum zones with total area equivalent to 329.84 km2. The resultant maps were compared with the zones for new urban communities proposed by the General Organization for Physical Planning in its strategy for sustainable urban development of El-Fayoum. The comparison pointed out a reasonable agreement; in addition, results revealed more suitable locations that are recommended for future urban development.

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