
The Great Sumatran Fault activity on Sumatra Island has presented a series of volcanoes and geological landscapes that can be developed as geo-tourism potential, such as in Iboih. The Weh Island has many natural tourism potentials that can be used to improve the community's income directly and as lessons learned for the dangers of living in a volcanic environment. The conventional method of delivering information is through a guide to visitors. This is very limited to the guide's ability to explain the phenomenon of tourist sites and the relation to lessons learned. In this study, we use the integration of QR-Code and web-based technology to develop a digital tourism system that can provide unlimited information to visitors and can be managed efficiently by the public. The data analysis shows that a QR code information board integrated with a web-based programming system can be used to monitor the number of monthly visitors at each tourism site. In addition, the java-script integration on the QR code board can present information that can be changed through links, images or videos without reprinting the QR-code model. Furthermore, we also present important locations from Iboih Village in the form of Web-GIS, such as tourist locations, road access, public infrastructure and food locations that tourists can easily access. Based on the research, we conclude that integrating QR-code and web-based programming can be an effective tool in tourism development as a medium for lessons learned by the community.

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