
Problem statement. Nowadays in environmental law science, (as in legal science overall) the term «doctrine» begins to be used widely. However, so far there is no consensus not only on the merits of the latter and its functions, but even on its placement in the system of sources (forms) of law, and, by the way, there is no definite understanding regarding the general direction of development. This, in its turn, causes difficulties in the study of the system of environmental law and its place in the legal system. The topical value of the research. The relevance of the question is due to the theoretical and practical importance of the formation of such legal categories as «natural law doctrine», «environmental law doctrine», which expands the teaching on the essence and contents of environmental law, its interaction with other branches of law and not only legally oriented sciences; the influence on the formation of modern environmental legislation and the experience of its application, interpretation of environmental law regulations, the establishment of the modern state environmental policy of Ukraine. The above-mentioned categories contribute to the creation of juridical and logical model understanding and interpretation environmental relationships and their actual establishment (making law positive, legalization) in the environmental legislation. Recent research and publications analysis. Scientific and theoretical basis of researching the legal category of «doctrine» rests on the works of scientists of prerevolutionary, Soviet and modern periods in different spheres of scientific knowledge concerning the theoretical models and concepts devoted to the methodological foundations of the legal doctrine, comparative law, theory and philosophy of law, 2 theory of legal consciousness and legal culture, sources of law, such as: S. S. Alekseev, J. G. Berman, M. Y. Baytin, R. David, O. O. Zozulya, M. V. Karmalita, M. I. Kozyubra, M. M. Korkunov, S. I. Maximov, M. E. Machulskaya, V. S. Nersesyants, N. M. Onishchenko, N. M. Parkhomenko, P. M. Rabinovich, I. V. Semenikhin, etc. Also were analyzed the scientific works, which concern approaches to the concept of the so-called «revived natural law», historical and legal aspects of the doctrine development. The development of legal doctrine in the context of environmental law science has been the object of study of such scholars as: V. I. Andreytsev, G. I. Baluk, A. G. Bobkova, A. P. Getman, V. V. Kostytsky, M. V. Krasnova, N. R. Malysheva, V. L. Muntyan, V. V. Nosik, Y. S. Shemshuchenko, M. V. Shulga, G. V. Anisimova, etc. The aim of the article is to conduct a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the place and role of natural law doctrine in the system of environmental law, for the achievement of which it is necessary to solve the following tasks: (a) investigate the scientific approaches to understanding the natural law doctrine, legal doctrine, environmental law doctrine; b) to analyze the content of environmental law doctrine, to single out its features and characteristics; (c) to reveal the special aspects of influence of this (natural law) doctrine on the environmental legal relationship, the law-making process, environmental consciousness of citizens; (d) to outline prospective directions of development of environmental law doctrine and to determine its influence on the state environmental policy taking into consideration European integration. Conclusions of the research. Environmental law doctrine should encourage: a) its use in the law-making process, the drafting of legal acts and their adaptation to European standards; b) the formulation of regulatory definitions, which will gradually turn into an important part of environmentally orientated legal acts; c) developing the Concept of environmental law and legislation progress; g) further codification of environmental legislation; e) the formation of state environmental policy etc. The development of environmental law doctrine should contribute to the regulation of environmental relations, since the former is a dynamic category, capable of 3 addressing environmental public interests and to balance them with private interests, and the needs of society – with personal environmental needs and rights of citizens.


  • Природно-правова доктрина – загальноправова категорія, яка властива й екологічному праву, має позитивацію в екологічному законодавстві та є інтегруючою сукупністю юридично-наукових трактувань і суджень про право, в межах яких розробляються й обґрунтовуються юридичні форми пізнання права і правових явищ, принципи, поняття, терміни, конструкції, способи, засоби, прийоми розуміння і тлумачення його джерел, системи, структури тощо

  • Еколого-правова доктрина має сприяти: а) її використанню у правотворчому процесі, при розробленні нормативно-правових актів та адаптації їх до європейських стандартів; б) формулюванню законодавчих дефініцій, які поступово будуть перетворюватися на важливу частину нормативно-правових актів екологічної спрямованості; в) розробленню Концепції розвитку екологічного права й законодавства; г) подальшій кодифікації екологічного законодавства; д) формуванню державної екологічної політики тощо

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Еколого-правова доктрина розглядається як різновид галузевої правової доктрини, її системоутворюючий елемент, теоретико-методологічний фундамент правової системи, джерело (форма) екологічного права. Зроблено спробу дослідити вплив природно-правової доктрини на формування загальнотеоретичних положень науки екологічного права, еколого-правової доктрини, еколого-правових відносин, визначити напрями та шляхи вдосконалення державної екологічної політики й законодавства.

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