
This paper presents the results of a feasibility study specifically addressing the technical and operational difficulties in making quantitative use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in radiation therapy treatment planning (RTTP). Selected radiotherapy patients have been studied with both CT and MRI as part of the treatment planning process. Both sets of images, along with mechanically-obtained external contour and simulator film data, are entered into the treatment planning system. All of the capabilities of the fully three dimensional planning system U-MPlan are available to both the CT and MRI images, in which any image can be used as the backdrop for interactive beam positioning, beam portal simulation, and dose distribution displays for external beam and brachy-therapy applications in both 2- and 3-dimensionally-oriented displays. The study has shown that to use MRI data for RTTP, one must (a) use careful patient positioning and marking, (b) transfer information from CT to MRI and vice versa, (c) determine the geometrical consistency between the CT and MR data sets, (d) investigate the unwarping of distorted MR images, and (e) have the ability to use non-axial images for determination of beam treatment technique, dose calculations, and plan evaluation.

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