
This research aims to analyze the improvement in life skills between teenagers who are given a life skills program and teenagers who are not given a life skills program in aquatic games at adolescence which are integrated with positive youth development. This research adopts a quantitative approach that integrates life skills and positive youth development through aquatic games. The population used in this research were students from the Aquatic Student Activity Unit (UKM) at Garut University and the research sample was determined using a total sampling technique using all 20 students who took part in the Aquatic UKM. The research instrument used was the life skills scale for sport (LSSS) questionnaire, development iThis instrument was given to samples with an age range of 17-21 years, namely teenagers, then the samples were randomly selected to determine the experimental and control groups between the groups that were given the life skills program and the groups that were not given the life skills program. This instrument contains 8 indicators of life skills, namely, teamwork, goal setting, time management, emotional skills, intrapersonal communication, social skills, leadership, problem solving and decision making.The data analysis used in this research includes the normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis test by processing the data using the statistical product for social science (SPSS) version 25 program. The research results were obtained with a calculated T value of 3,496 > T table 2,101, so Ho rejected and Ha accepted, so it can be concluded that there is an increase in life skills between teenagers who were given the life skills program and teenagers who were not given the life skills program. This confirms that the life skills program which is integrated with positive youth development through aquatic games has an important meaning in the quality of human resources in teenagers in carrying out their daily activities. Keywords: Aquatic Activities, Adolescents, Life skills, Positive Youth Development (PYD).

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