
Embracing of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by most secondary schools in Uganda, especially in Kigezi region is faced by a number of challenges which had not yet been clearly documented. The purpose of this study was to establish whether ICT is being integrated in the teaching and learning process among selected secondary schools in Kigezi region. The study was guided by MICTIVO model (2009) of ICT integration. The quantitative research approach was the main approach while the qualitative approach was complementary. A sample of 332 students and 24 teachers from six (6) schools were required to participate in the study. Data was collected by means of a questionnaire and analysed using SPSS. The findings from the study indicated that ICT is not being used in the teaching and learning process, most of ICT Infrastructures were not available in schools and most respondents lacked the basic ICT skills and competencies. The model developed revealed that location of the schools and the year of existence were found to be significant while class and gender were found to be insignificant to ICT adoption in secondary schools. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that government and stakeholders should ensure that; schools are provided with the necessary ICT infrastructure, recruitment of qualified computer teachers, recruitment of computer laboratory technicians, continuous retooling of both students and staff and schools should encourage ICT usage at home.

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