
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been growing so fast for the past 20 years in most of sectors, but still a lot of done in the education sector. Teachers are still relying on the old traditional way of teaching methods. Botswana are still far behind in benefiting from ICT usage in classroom. This study reviews various technology adoption frameworks such as Technology Pedagogy and Content knowledge, Teacher Development model, and Conceptual framework. This study assess the ICT infrastructure found in Botswana public junior secondary schools, assess teachers’ skills, knowledge, confidence, and the perception on the integration of ICT in teaching and learning. A quantitative research design is used to collect data from teachers in Botswana Junior Secondary Schools. The major findings show that integration of ICT in Botswana Junior secondary schools is very low or not yet started. This has been influenced by factors such as lack of skill, lack of confidence in the use of technology by teachers, and lack ICT equipment in schools. The study recommends that schools should be equipped with education ICT supporting infrastructure, and teachers should be trained on the pedagogy of ICT in teaching. Furthermore, the curriculum should be designed in such a way that it includes ICT integration in subject areas.

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