
The article is devoted to the study of the latest word formations in different structured languages that appeared in the information Internet space during the coronavirus pandemic. Lexical units of Russian-, French- and English-language news resources are considered. In the process of analysis, the authors apply the methodology of classification of models of neologisms and borrowings and identify the degree of their integration in the recipient language. Various ways of forming new lexical units with the help of numerous word-forming operations are also studied and their complex morphological structure is revealed. The authors investigate the prerequisites for the emergence of neologisms in English, as well as English borrowings in Russian and French using examples from various news sources. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it is the first attempt to make a comparative study of borrowings and models of integration of the latest English borrowings in Russian and French Internet information sources, and also studies the specifics of the mechanism of adaptation of neologisms in the English-language information system. The word-formation methods of the formation of the newest lexical units are studied in detail, their complex structure is confirmed. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that most lexical units have a complex morphological structure, arrive in the status of mastering the recipient language. It is also found that the integration of borrowed vocabulary in a language is a long-term process, as a result of which one state of the lexical stock is replaced by another.

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