
The effectiveness of forming the competitiveness of future teachers is ensured through the integration of educational and scientific research activities of students, embedded in the content of professional training. The article's purpose: to characterise the peculiarities of the integration of educational-scientific research activities in the process of forming the competitiveness of future teachers in higher education. Research methods: analysis and synthesis, comparison, systematization (to clarify key research concepts), and generalization (to form authors` conclusions). The concept of a teacher's competitiveness is considered as an integrative professionally significant quality of a specialist, which ensures the demand in the teaching labor market due to the realization of competitive advantages that reflect a high level of formation of general cultural and professional competencies and personal characteristics. The components of a teacher's competitiveness are: fundamental professional training, motivation for professional activity, positive value and moral attitudes of an individual, communication skills, organizational and leadership skills, the ability to work in a team, mobility, perseverance, initiative, responsibility, the presence of creative potential, innovative competence, purposefulness, the ability to plan a professional and life career, orientation towards self-development, self-improvement and self-realization, stress resistance, the ability to overcome difficulties, the desire for success, etc. The effectiveness of future teachers competitiveness formation is ensured through the integration of educational-scientific research activities, provided by the principles: unification and coordination of the efforts and interests of scientists and departments of the university with all interested persons and scientific structures; ensuring cathedral autonomy; formation of a connection between scientific and research activities with the future profession and requests of real practice; expansion of international cooperation.

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