
<p>中國醫藥大學聯手宏達國際電子、太極影音,推出「虛擬實境針灸系統」,整合元宇宙技術於經絡教學,突破時空限制且開創臨床訓練新方式。傳統針灸教學主要透過模型和師徒制,但現實操作中,經常發現純理論學習不足以臨床應用。引入此VR技術,改變學習方式,既提高臨床能力、安全度,也減少臨床考試成本。該系統具有一對一和多擺位的3D人體模型,展示經絡與身體的解剖結構,且提供多項教學工具如雷射指標和3D錄影。在技能測驗模式中,醫學生能模擬真實病人操作。該系統結合了中醫豐富經驗,實現六大特色:多種擺位、組織經絡透視、3D穴位、互動教學工具、臨床技能測驗和多人遠程連線。此系統結合數位科技與傳統醫學,為培養優秀中醫人才開創新契機。</p> <p> </p><p>China Medical University, in collaboration with High Tech Computer Corporation and DIGIMAX INC., has launched an innovative “Virtual Reality Acupuncture System” that integrates metaverse technology into efforts at teaching students about meridians in the human body. Traditional acupuncture education primarily relies on models and the oral transmission of knowledge from master to apprentice. However, these modes of education may lead to gaps in proficiency. Thus, the proposed system provides improved learning outcomes, in addition to being safer and more inexpensive than current modes of education. The system features 3D human models with both one-on-one and multiple posture options, which elucidates the body’s anatomical structures and meridians. It encompasses various teaching tools such as laser pointers and 3D videos. The system’s skill assessment modes such as objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) enable medical students to simulate real patient scenarios for training and operations. The system offers a diverse range of postures, a clear view of the meridians, 3D representations of acupoints, interactive instructional aids, assessments of clinical skill, and the ability for multiple users to connect with each other remotely. This system constitutes a leap forward in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) education.</p> <p> </p>

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