
This paper describes the incorporation of a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) video stimulus instrument in the Navy's Consolidated Automated Support System (CASS) ATS. Included are COTS instrument selection, CASS software modifications, CASS modifications, and product enhancements, which evolved out of the effort. The video stimulus requirement of the U.S Navy's Consolidated Automated Support System (CASS) was fulfilled via the integration of a commercial instrument into the CASS. The effort involved product research, selection, and testing; mechanical and electrical design and testing; software engineering; integration; and fielding. The major component (a commercial video stimulus instrument) was selected. CASS software was modified to support an ATLAS interface to the instrument. The CASS ATS was modified to accommodate the instrument; this modification required mechanical design testing. The video signal path (instrument to CASS interface) was developed; and the product was enhanced to provide rudimentary animation capabilities in support of infrared tracking systems. The focus of the paper is product selection and requirements matching; software development and integration with the existing product; system testing and calibration; retrofitting of fielded systems. A brief section focuses on enhancements (beyond the original scope) that evolved from capabilities of the COTS instrument.

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