
Telecommunications organizations have to follow the rapid innovation of technology if they want to face challenges raised by competition. The challenge to respond to the huge market demand of updated products and services from customers requires that the organization‘s working environment be equipped with tools and communication facilities that contribute to ameliorating productivity. Cameroon Telecommunications (Camtel) is facing a digital telephony and Internet Protocol strategic management challenge. Successful implementation cannot be achieved if the employees are still depending on the ageing public switched telephone network (PSTN) as their primary communication system, despite the frequent loss of dial tone experience in a day which can last up to a week, with serious repercussions on business activities and revenues. This study is designed to provide a solution to the telecommunications challenge. The fundamental question is how to integrate a digital telephony system that will provide telephony services in the existing IPv4 data network while prioritizing IPv6 traffic forwarding. This study proposes and implements solutions that integrate a Voice over IP solution with IPv6 as an alternative communication system that relies on the existing IPv4 data network. VoIP is deemed as one of the driving forces behind the adoption of IPv6. The purpose is to offer to workers an option that will free them from the poor Quality of Service (QoS) of their existing PSTN based solution, hopefully enhancing the overall productivity. This paper follows two research methodologies: Qualitative Research in Applied Situations and Engineering design process. The first part of this study reports the results of the evaluation of how much such a solution can enhance workers’ productivity. As it is important to provide an environment where IPv4 and IPv6 networks and applications/devices can interoperate in the context of VoIP; the second part describes practically a simulation environment where various configurations of network entities are done following a Dual-Stack transition approach. Document and records were used to gather information related to the structure, operations, and topological update of the Camtel’s existing IP data network. The findings demonstrated that VoIP can be an effective communication solution for Camtel and its implementation with IPv6 will be preferable. However, for this to be efficient there must be a provision of sufficient bandwidth and usage of types of equipment and transmission mediums that minimizes processing and propagation delays. Findings also reveal that better productivity will be achieved if workers are fully trained for the exploitation. This research article tries to highlight, discuss a required transition roadmap and extend the local knowledge and practice on IPv6. Future expansion of this research work will consist of deploying Dual-Stack VoIP in the remaining 9 regional offices for full integration in the corporate communication system of Camtel.

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