
Professional MPA education in China has emerged and developed in response to both internal and external factors since the 1990s. After 13 years of development, great achievements have been made, and various problems have also appeared. The primary problem is the wide gap between theory and practice in Chinese MPA education, which goes against its objective of producing high-level, multi-talented, applied professionals, and the urgent demands for professional managers by Chinese government and nongovernmental organizations. Chinese MPA programs have pursued a variety of efforts to address the problem. This paper describes and assesses a novel MPA education and training pattern, called the Faculty, Infrastructure, Teaching, and Student (FITS) model, initiated by Northeastern University. The model is evaluated based on data gathered from faculty, MPA students, and administrators. The results indicate that the model has potential for promoting the integration of theory with practice in Chinese MPA education and ultimately improving MPA students’ various competencies. Its central elements, with modifications for local circumstances, can be replicated by other institutions.

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