
Previous research on fit has largely focused on person-organization (P-O) fit and person-job (P-J) fit. However, little research has examined the interplay of person-vocation (P-V) fit and person-group (P-G) fit with P-O fit and P-J fit in the same study. This article advances the fit literature by examining these relationships with data collected from 167 employees and their respective supervisors. As predicted, P-V fit related positively to both P-O and P-J fit, while P-O and P-J fit together fully mediated relations between P-V fit and outcome variables. Also as predicted, P-G fit moderated several relations of P-O and P-J fit with such outcome variables as in-role and extra-role performance. The article concludes with directions for future research on relations among these four different types of fit and implications for management practice.

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