
What influences the successful bicultural adjustment of ethnic minority adolescentsinto the mainstream American culture? While previous research has indicated thatthe most successful adjustment process involves the forging of new identitiescombining characteristics from both the culture of origin and the new culture, thereis little exploration into the details of this process from the perspective of minoritieswho have successfully achieved bicultural adjustment. In order to determine whetherbicultural adjustment is an evident as well as a consciously valued process amongminority adolescents, we conducted in-depth written surveys with open-endedquestions of 20 Mexican-origin college students. By focusing on high-achievers asmeasured by college attendance, we aim to highlight key elements of the culturaladjustment process that lead to positive outcomes for ethnic minority adolescents.The survey results provide rich evidence in the participants’ own words about thecomplex nature and value of bicultural adjustment. These findings can informadjustment efforts of ethnic minority adolescents as well as the institutions andcommunity organizations who serve them.

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