
AbstractIn recent years, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS) hyperspectral infrared satellite sounding retrievals derived from Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) polar‐orbiting satellites have been documented as observations that add value to weather forecasting applications. NUCAPS is currently the operational algorithm delivering JPSS satellite sounding retrievals to the NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) and is based on the heritage Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Science Team algorithm for processing vertical temperature, moisture, and trace gas retrievals. For the Special Collection on “Twenty Years of Observations from AIRS,” we highlight the methodology we implemented to develop a prototype science‐to‐applications system to enable real‐time processing of AIRS satellite sounding retrievals through the NUCAPS algorithm (i.e., NUCAPS‐Aqua) to support weather forecasting applications. The addition of NUCAPS‐Aqua to experimental real‐time pathways alongside operational JPSS NUCAPS soundings, facilitated assessment of NUCAPS‐Aqua at the 2022 Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) Spring Experiment. Development of NUCAPS‐Aqua described in this technical report includes preservation of microwave observations and calculation of a‐priori regression coefficients. Additionally, the real‐time processing and challenges with implementing a science‐to‐applications system are discussed. Two illustrative pre‐convective forecasting examples analyzed by NWS forecasters during the 2022 HWT Spring Experiment are highlighted to demonstrate the benefit of NUCAPS‐Aqua as (a) special afternoon soundings, (b) an additional observation to assess temporal trends using multiple satellites, and (c) a complement to observational and model analysis.

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