
The importance of this study is derived from the fact that EFL teachers in countries such as Sudan, which is a least developed country always face many difficulties to integrate Informal Digital Learning of English (IDLE) because it is a self-directed online learning that takes place outside of official educational initiatives like degree-based programmes or organized online professional development modules and the government does not support this type of learning. This study aims to increase the perceptions of those EFL teachers about the importance of integrating (IDLE) into teaching reading skills. The study considers teachers' awareness, perceptions, and their attitudes towards (IDLE), it also aims investigate to what extend EFL teachers integrate (IDLE) into teaching reading skills. Results and findings showed that teachers’ perceptions about (IDLE) are not adequate for the recent need to use technology, results showed that (50.00%) of EFL teachers do not integrate (IDLE) into their teaching approach Integrating technology into teaching even though CALL is now normalized.

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