
We propose a new method to predict microbial metabolic rates in natural environments using genome-scale metabolic models. This method is a hybrid of existing approaches, i.e., rate laws and flux balance analysis (FBA). It accounts for the availabilities of chemical energy and growth nutrients in the environment, and applies FBA independently to the respiration and biosynthesis pathways of genome-scale metabolic models. We illustrate the new method by modeling the metabolism of a representative methanogen – Methanosarcina barkeri – in laboratory reactors and in pristine and biostimulated aquifers. The laboratory application demonstrates that the hybrid method predicts the rates of individual biochemical reactions within overall cell metabolism and tracks, explicitly, cellular fluxes of carbon and energy. The aquifer applications reveal that the growth of methanogens in natural systems can be limited by multiple factors, including energy sources and growth nutrients, and that the limitations are subject to Liebig’s Law of the Minimum. These results highlight the improvements of the new method in biogeochemical reaction modeling, including its applicability to diverse environments, from eutrophic to oligotrophic.

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