
Abstract: Design engineering of an embedded system is a lot more complex and with greater security risk than a desktop and web application, as it involves several electronic components, micro controllers, external PCB boards and miscellane-ous advanced devices, to be attached, used and properly communicated. Today, embedded systems are widely used for miscellaneous purposes in different fields of life, the goal of this research is to develop a new domain specific real time solution for the fields of Neurobiology and Photobiology. We propose a new embedded and multithreading based system i.e. DroLIGHT, proficient in systematizing a noncommercial special purpose hardware capable of producing lights of dif-ferent brightness and wavelength that can be used to study light-evoked behavior of animals, here especially that of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. The aim of this paper is to discuss initial DroLIGHT implementation, following spiral software development life cycle and integrating a formal unified modelling language to scheme from different perspec-tives e.g. use case, design and implementation views. We present the designed graphical user interface incorporating hu-man computer interaction guidelines, principles and patterns e.g. window per task, direct manipulation, conversational text, ephemeral feedback and step-by-step instructions. We highlight the programming details, available features, hard-ware components and the basic deployment procedure of the DroLIGHT. Moreover the paper discusses a few of the pat-ents relevant to UML Designs and HCI Patterns.

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