
In this Information Age, the world is an informational hub where information is available everywhere almost instantaneously and the supply chain benefits greatly from the flow of it. The main aim of the study was to investigate the magnitude of parastatals integration of their systems to enable them to share and acquire information about their suppliers electronically to promote organizational performance. The study focused on the integration of e-information sharing through, virtual administered questionnaires, e-catalogues accessibility, real-time information access, e-referencing and e-referrals and online access to suppliers’ capabilities. The study used a population of 236 where purposive sampling was adopted and a population of 91 respondents was selected to attain findings. Questionnaires were used as the main instrument to collect data out of which 80 respondents gave their responses. The study used a null hypothesis to test the rate of the relationship of the variable to organization performance. The study confirmed there was a statistical significance between e-information sharing and organization performance. The study recommends that parastatals enhance system integration and education with their suppliers to provide compatibility and easy access and flow of information.

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