
Available information and analytical models are often critical to making scientific decisions for site-specific crop management. Expert, or domain knowledge, is an intelligent source that also helps this process. This paper discusses the integration of domain knowledge and modelling in site-specific crop management decision making. A web-based spatial decision support system, GZ-IGIS, was developed and implemented to integrate domain knowledge and GIS analytical models to assist field-based crop management decision making. In addition to general GIS spatial data management (digital map, spatial decision unit, etc.), the system, GZ-IGIS, involves crop diagnosis and decision-making with expert knowledge and GIS analytical models to assess variable-rate application of water and fertilizer to any field. The paper also discusses the knowledge acquisition and representation, model organization, and the integration of domain knowledge and GIS analytical models. Spatial suitability of domain knowledge and analytical models were emphasized in the system because field's microclimate diversity in different sub-regions exists. When proper layers of knowledge and models become available, implementing variable-rate water, or fertilizer applications allows farmers make reliable site-specific crop management decisions.

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