
Collaboration among state legislators, Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) and Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) faculty, community leaders, teachers and school administrators is currently taking place in Connecticut to make it a physically active state through PASS (Physically Active Schools Systems). PASS is a comprehensive, system-wide initiative through which school districts in the state of Connecticut utilize opportunities for school-based physical activity that is embedded throughout the school day. However, a quality physical education program taught by a licensed physical educator must be at the core of PASS. CCSU and SCSU under the direction of Carol M. Ciotto and Marybeth H. Fede, respectively, are preparing their preservice teachers to not only understand the benefits of physically active school systems but also to be able to effectively implement a physically active program within various field experiences and their student teaching placement and eventually in their full-time employment. School and community partnerships have been and will continue to be established at both universities. These partnerships provide teacher candidates with the opportunity to go into various school districts and/or community organizations to work collaboratively with students, classroom teachers, school administrators, community leaders and state legislators to advocate for and implement PASS.It takes a village to raise one healthy child, and in that vein, a mass communication effort in Connecticut is taking root to craft the message and image of physical activity and physically active learning as an expectation and a right! This is beginning to take shape within the Connecticut physical education teacher education preparation programs. Educating our teacher candidates on comprehensive school health and physical education programs, comprehensive school physical activity programs (CSPAP) and PASS, is a much-needed foundation for the future health our nation.

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