
This reflective piece explores the integration of clinical psychology into an older adult liaison psychiatry service within Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. A scoping exercise was conducted by a clinical psychologist and an assistant psychologist to assess whether there was a role for clinical psychology and to define its functions within the service. Referrals to clinical psychology during the scoping exercise comprised requests for additional support in complex cases, team reflection, and specific psychological interventions. The scoping exercise revealed the need for a clinical psychologist to be embedded within the liaison psychiatry service, with their role encompassing various aspects of patient care, consultation, training, and service development. The psychologist should be experienced working in a medical setting and be able to prioritise their workload. There was also a defined role for an assistant psychologist. The article offers reflections on challenges faced by staff within the service, and how the integration of psychology offered valuable contributions to patient care, team dynamics, and system-wide improvements. This reflection emphasises the importance of clinical psychologists working in older adult liaison psychiatry services.

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