
An animal’s life history, physiology, and behaviour can be shaped by selection in a manner that favours strong associations among these aspects of an integrated phenotype. Recent work combining animal personality and life-history theory proposes that animals with faster life-history strategies (i.e., fast growth, high annual reproductive rate, short lifespan) should exhibit higher general activity levels relative to those with slower life-history strategies, but empirical tests of within-species variation in these traits are lacking. In garter snakes from ecotypes which are known to differ in ecology, life-history strategy, and physiology, we tested for differences in tongue-flick rate as a measure of information gathering and movement patterns as a measure of general activity. Tongue flicks and movement were strongly positively correlated and both behaviours were repeatable across trials. Snakes from the fast-living ecotype were more active and showed evidence of habituation. The slow-living ecotype maintained low levels of activity throughout the trials. We propose that environmental factors, such as high predation, experienced by the fast-living ecotype select for both increased information-gathering and activity levels to facilitate efficient responses to repeated challenges. Thus, we offer evidence that behaviour is an important component of co-evolved suites of traits forming a general pace-of-life continuum in this system.

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