
Multiple use of water through integrating aquaculture and irrigated crop production could minimize the cost of rearing fish and irrigating crops. Aquaculture effluent was tested for irrigation of four turfgrass species and Elderica pine seedlings. Plants were irrigated with fish effluent or city water, with or without supplemental fertilization from Osmocote® or Milorganite®. Turfgrass irrigated with effluent gained more biomass and had better color than grass watered with city water. Treatment with supplemental fertilizer resulted in significantly more biomass gain than in untreated turf. A Minolta CR-200 chroma meter was used to determine L, a, b color coordinates and leaf chlorophyll was extracted in DMF (dimethylformamide) and measured with a spectrophotometer. Color coordinate data were correlated with leaf clorophyll content and both were correlated with biomass gain.

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