
AbstractThe supply of clean water is a major problem in both developed and developing countries. The abundant amount of peat water can be a potential source of clean water in areas with peatlands. Peat water treatment can be conducted effectively and efficiently by integrating various existing methods, such as aeration, sedimentation, and filtration using shell sand and activated carbon. The results show that the parameters of color, turbidity, Ferrum (Fe), microbiological parameters, and pH of peat water can be conditioned according to clean water standards. The average peat watercolor parameter before processing is 866.7 PtCo, 10.96 NTU turbidity, 2.48 mg L–1 Fe, Fe, 4.30 pH, and coliform (microbial) peat water at 1068 CFU and after passing the color combination treatment to 28.83 PtCo, turbidity 2.19 NTU, Fe 0.22 mg L–1, and coliform 20 CFU and pH 6.83. Integrated peat water treatment is the most effective at the filtration and adsorption stages.

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