
Citrus greening (huanglonbing (HLB)) disease has drastically reduced citrus fruit production in Florida over the last two decades. Scientists have developed sustainable nutrient management practices to live with the disease and continue fruit production. Best pesticide management practices have been devised to reduce the spread of HLB by Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). However, soil application of excessive nutrients and the use of soil drench application of pesticides to huanglongbing-infected citrus groves have been a serious environmental concern since the recent development of resistance to some pesticides. It is important to understand the consequences of applying pesticides and nutrients beyond the recommended application rates with an inappropriate method for citrus growth and development. Alternatively, foliar sprays of some nutrients proved effective to meet plants’ requirements, and foliar sprays of effective insecticide products could provide an adequate mode of action for group rotation to minimize insecticide resistance by ACP and other pests. Sustainability in citrus production systems should include best management practices that improve pesticide and nutrient efficiency by including the total maximum daily load exiting the grove to reduce pesticide and nutrient exports into waterbodies.

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