
Chemome characterization is the prerequisite for either therapeutic mechanism clarification or quality control of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions (TCMPs). Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) currently serves as the most popular analytical tool; however, chemome characterization is still challenged by MS/MS spectral acquisition and post-acquisition data processing. Here, an integrated strategy was proposed for in-depth chemome clarification of Shengbai oral liquid (SBOL). Gas phase ion fractionation with staggered mass ranges was demonstrated to be the superior acquisition method regarding MS2 spectrum coverage in this study, and narrower mass range further advanced coverage. To facilitate information extraction, all ingredient materials were measured in parallel to form an in-house library, where each MS1 -MS2 item generated a square mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) frame to capture the tagged identity and each chemical family produced a pentagon frame for mass defect features to accomplish chemical analogs-targeted quasi-molecular ion extraction. Square m/z frame imprinting captured 355 identities, while mass defect frames extracted 275 compounds. Attributing to comprehensive MS2 spectrum acquisition and efficient data processing, 355 components were captured and tentatively identified, resulting in a clarified chemical composition for SBOL. Therefore, the proposed strategy should be meaningful for the chemome characterization of TCMPs.

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