
Data management is critical with cloud computing because data are generated at a rapid rate and in big volumes. These data are stored in the cloud storage for consistent performance. Cloud provider always satisfies the customer at any time and anywhere manner. The services depend upon the resources at the data centre through virtualization. Cloud follows the strategy called demand-based and pay-as-you-go basis. The customer has to pay for the resource consumed using metering services. Customer stores large volume of data that occupies more space in storage. It becomes expensive for the customer because of excess payment paid to the cloud provider. This type of storage suffers a high volume with redundancy in the uploaded data. This problem is overcome by using the deduplication technique for keeping one copy of data only in the cloud storage. This achieves less storage, so the cost of services reduces drastically. Data deduplication is a technique for storing data in cloud storage only once. It is used to minimize cloud storage capacity in an efficient manner by uploading and downloading data to the cloud storage using bandwidth. The most critical cloud storage challenges are secure deduplication, which will be handled appropriately for optimal reliability. These problems are solved by using convergent key encryption, sometimes known as the Dekey method. Dekey and the new Dekey are widely used for data duplication in a secure manner. The new Dekey method minimizes the amount of hash keys that must be produced for data encryption. For data decryption, each user must keep a set of keys. Hash keys are used to encrypt and decode the material that was encrypted. The encrypted hash keys are then encrypted once more and stored with the encrypted material in the cloud storage. This process saves storage space by deleting unnecessary data, while a single data copy is kept safe and secure. The typical way of storing cloud data would be to keep it with a single provider, which means similar data exists across all providers, resulting in additional storage. The removal step is carried out using current deduplication methods; however, they perform poorly due to factors such as compression ratio and processing time. Through the use of a third-party auditor (TPA), this challenge is solved by adopting an integrated method of storing data with high availability and multi-provider interactions. These exchanges took place as a result of mutual consent. To prevent unauthorized disclosure, the data's privacy level is adequately maintained via a multi-layered structure. By comparing performance characteristics that are carried out efficiently, the suggested algorithm is compared to other algorithms.

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