
Abstract The neritic-oceanic squid Illex argentinus supports one of the largest fisheries in the Southwest Atlantic. It is characterized by extensive migrations across the Patagonian Shelf and complex population structure comprising distinct seasonal spawning groups. To address uncertainty as to the demographic independence of these groups that may compromise sustainable management, a multidisciplinary approach was applied integrating statolith ageing with genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis. To obtain complete coverage of the spawning groups, sampling was carried out at multiple times during the 2020 fishing season and covered a large proportion of the species’ range across the Patagonian Shelf. Statolith and microstructure analysis revealed three distinct seasonal spawning groups of winter-, spring-, and summer-hatched individuals. Subgroups were identified within each seasonal group, with statolith microstructure indicating differences in environmental conditions during ontogeny. Analysis of >10 000 SNPs reported no evidence of neutral or non-neutral genetic structure among the various groups. These findings indicate that I. argentinus across the Patagonian Shelf belong to one genetic population and a collaborative management strategy involving international stakeholders is required. The connectivity among spawning groups may represent a “bet-hedging” mechanism important for population resilience.

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