
Marine space is inseparable from the livelihood of the communities in coastal villages in terms of utilizing marine resources, as the main occupation of the people is fisherman. They need to secure marine areas in front of the village, however, the village government hold authority neither in planning nor managing the marine space for village development in the formal spatial planning. This study attempted to identify challenges and opportunities in developing a village master plan for utilizing of marine space. This study carried out through participatory action during the process of village development planning (RPJMDes) by implementing Integrated Spatial-Development Planning (InS-DeP) model. This model integrates spatial plan into the development plan by constructing a village masterplan that includes plans for utilization of the marine space that complements development programs. From a series of FGDs, it is observed that InS-DeP model faces challenges in technical mapping and lack of knowledge regarding alternative livelihood options in developing the plan for future uses. Through this experience, by implementing InS-DeP model, coastal village government can prepare a master plan for marine space as a consensus with the community to ensure a balance between exploitation and conservation activities.

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